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CLICK HERE TO PURCHASEAuthor/Editor: Mentzer, Jerry
Think Stop
Mental Vision (Glen Gravatt)
Behind the Back Key
Two Selections
Out on Location (Al Baker)
Elimination Prediction (Randy Tanner)
Another Lie Detector
Two Keys
The Magic Thrust (Ted Annemann)
U Find Your Card (Lu Brent)
It Takes a Year
The Five Card Mental Force (Dai Vernon)
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan
A Moving Revelation
Move a Card
Basic Hummer (Bob Hummer)
Beyond Hummer (Persi Diaconis)
Hummer – Odd Back (Tom Craven)
Hummer Clean-Up (Tom Craven)
Canning’s Baby Hummer (Doug Canning)
Spectator Finds Your Card
Pairs (Ted Gillam)
Master Poker Deal
High Card Poker Deal (Nick Trost)
Improved Marvelous Prediction (Charles Jordan)
Miraskill (Steward James)
Four-Way Coincidence (John Murray)
Deck Memorization (Mike Boden)