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Easy to Master Card Miracles Volume 1

Author/Editor: Ammar, Michael

includes insurance policy

8 Card Brainwave (Nick Trost)
Red Hot Mama (Ryan – Everhart – Leech)
Acrobatic Aces
The Secret To A Perfect Royal Flush
Triumph (Dai Vernon)
Further Than That (Stewart James)
Las Vegas Leaper (Paul Harris)
Cannibal Cards (Lin Searles)
A Night at the Improv (Eric Mead)
The Insurance Policy (Tommy Windsor)

Genre: Cards

Volume: 1

Edition: 1st Edition

Condition: Excellent

Media Type: DVD

No. of Pages: 1'15

Publisher: L & L Publishing

Publish Date: 1994

Donated By: Louis Falanga

Library Location Information

Lookup Code A351.e-c1:DVD:AV

Color Code:

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