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CLICK HERE TO PURCHASEAuthor/Editor: Various Contributors - Gaby; Cuesta, Manuel; Migue, Mago; Gomez, Miguel; Rioboo, Ramon; Gea, Miguel Angel; Vazquez, Camilo; Damaso; Tamariz, Juan; Carroll, Pepe
Smooth Ace Assembly (Gaby)
Ball of Fire (Manuel Cuesta)
Improved Reverse Card Routine (Mago Migue)
Wild By Two (Miguel Gomez)
Impossible Stapled Card (Ramon Rioboo)
Ethereal Coins (Miguel Angel Gea)
Scotch Dice (Camilo Vazquez)
The Queen, The Joker…and the Ace (Damaso)
The Cheaters (Juan Tamariz and Pepe Carroll)
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