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Easy to Master Card Miracles Volume 4

Author/Editor: Ammar, Michael

includes Factory Misprints cards

Dunbury Aces (Charlie Miller – Dave Lederman)
Your Signed Card (Bro. John Hamman)
Ambitious Classic (Larry Jennings)
J.C.’s Super Closer (J.C. Wagner)
Reset (Paul Harris)
Untouched (Daryl)
Lazy Man’s Card Trick (Al Koran)
Rubber Band Surprise (Bert Fenn)
Card Thru Table
Dr. Daley’s Gambler vs. Magician (Dr. Jacob Daley)
Factory Misprints (J.C. Wagner)

Genre: Cards

Volume: 4

Edition: 1st Edition

Condition: Excellent

Media Type: DVD

No. of Pages: 1'49

Publisher: L & L Publishing

Publish Date: 1997

Donated By: Louis Falanga

Library Location Information

Lookup Code A351.e-c4:DVD:AV

Color Code:

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